Employment -
Dr. Lyndon Jones sendallmail@gmail.com
Education -
Open Position
Safety -
Anna Allen: aallen@sfish.org
Mary McClendon district12@waynecounty.com

Health & Prevention -
Kristie King kking@nkfm.org
Jean Overman velmajeanbenard@yahoo.com
Outreach and Communication -
Octavia Smith osmith@wwfhc.org

Sustainable Community -
Connie Mitchell connieaka95@yahoo.com
Byron Nolen bnolen@comcast.net
Cross-Generational Engagement -
Opal Nolen onolen@att.net
Shaina Jones msshaina@gmail.com
You can email to find out when the next committee meeting is being held or call 734-589-0025.
You can also join us at our monthly Inkster Task Force meetings on the Fourth Thursday of every month, 12 pm, at the Baylor-Burger Administration Bldg.. 29115 Carlysle St.
Also ‘Like’ us on Facebook to hear about all the wonderful events and resources in Inkster: https://www.facebook.com/InksterTaskForce
Help us work to revitalize our community!